Notable names in anaesthesia


Notable names in anaesthesia

edited by J. Roger Maltby

Royal Society of Medicine, c2002

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3



Includes bibliographic references and index



Eponyms are found throughout medicine. They provide succinct and convenient identification for diseases, syndromes, clinical signs, surgical instruments and operations. Anaesthetists use eponyms such as Magill forceps, Mallampati score, Sellick's manoeuvre and Mendelson's Syndrome. National and international anaesthesia societies have eponymous awards and lectures. This book has been written to describe who these eponymous individuals were, when and where they worked, why they invented equipment, a technique or a scoring system, and why they were chosen by their peers for eponymous honour.


This book contains brief illustrated biographies of around 80 of the best known figures in anaesthesia over the last 200 years, such as Virginia Apgar (Apgar score), and Swan and Ganz (Swan/Ganz catheter). The book will provide a companion to the popular Notable Names in Medicine & Surgery, originally written by Hamilton Bailey.

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