A military history of Italy


A military history of Italy

Ciro Paoletti

Praeger Security International, 2008

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 7



Includes bibliographical references (p. [235]-246) and index



This book follows Italy's military history from the late Renaissance through the present day, arguing that its leaders have consistently looked back to the power of Imperial Rome as they sought to bolster Italy's status and influence in the world. As early as the late 15th century, Italian city-states played important roles in European conflicts. After unification in 1861, the military would become the nation's unifying force, the melting pot of the state. Italy's industrial and then colonial expansion brought it into the wars of the 20th century. The rise of fascist movement was the disastrous consequence of Italy's desire for colonial and military power, a history that the nation still confronts as it seeks to play a role in world politics. Wealthy, urban Italy has always had great political, cultural, and strategic importance for Europe. The leaders of its independent city-states intervened militarily in struggles among the European powers to its north and west but also against the expanding Muslim empires to its south and east. Italian culture supported military innovation, developing (for instance) new fortifications and naval organizations. After centuries of division, which limited Italy's power against the larger, unified European nations, the military played an important role in the nationalist unification of the entire country. Rapid industrialization followed, and along with it Italy's forays into overseas colonialism. Italy became a major power, but its turn to militant fascism during its expansionist era continues to haunt its state and military.


Acknowledgments Introduction PART I: THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY 1 Before the Deluge 2 The Italian Wars in the Early Sixteenth Century 3 Between France and the Muslims: 1565–1601 PART II: THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY 4 The Thirty Years' War in Italy 5 The Second Half of the Century 6 The League of Augsburg: 1690–1696 PART III: THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY 7 The Spanish Succession: 1700–1713 8 The Second Morea War, the Quadruple Alliance, and the Corsican Troubles: 1715–1733 9 The Polish Succession: 1733–1739 10 The War of Austrian Succession: 1740–1748 11 Italy from the Corsican Rebellion to the French Revolution through the First Cold War: 1748–1792 12 The Revolutionary Hurricane: 1792–1799 PART IV: THE NINETEENTH CENTURY 13 Napoleon Emperor and King 14 From the Restoration to the First War of Independence: 1816–1847 15 The First War of Independence: 1848–1849 16 From the Peace to the Second War of Independence: 1849–1859 17 Garibaldi in Sicily 18 The New State 19 The Kingdom, Royal Policy, and the Colonies, from Rome to Peking: 1871–1900 PART V: THE TWENTIETH CENTURY 20 Before the Great War: 1900–1912 21 The Great War: 1915–1918 22 From the Great War to the Ethiopian War 23 "Overseas Spain" and "Overseas Tirana": 1936–1939 24 The War with the Germans: 1940–1943 25 The War Against the Germans: 1943–1945 26 Italian Armed Forces from World War II to the End of the Cold War: 1946–1988 27 Italy and NATO until the End of the Cold War 28 From the Cold War to the War on Terror: 1989–2005 Notes Bibliography Military Unit Index Name Index Place Index A photo essay follows page

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  • ISBN
    • 9780275985059
  • LCCN
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
    Westport Conn.
  • ページ数/冊数
    xiv, 269 p.
  • 大きさ
    25 cm
  • 件名