School and work in the Eastern Caribbean : does the education system adequately prepare youth for the global economy?


School and work in the Eastern Caribbean : does the education system adequately prepare youth for the global economy?

Andreas Blom, Cynthia Hobbs

(World Bank country study)

World Bank, c2008

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 14



Includes bibliographical references (p. 71-76)



This book reviews current education and skills training options in the Eastern Caribbean and asks whether the prevailing education policies adequately prepare youth for the global economy. It provides in-depth analysis and relevant international cutting-edge practices to guide policymakers, educators and private sector leaders in fostering a creative, productive and well-paid workforce. Specifically, it makes the case for why the OECS education and training systems need to be more responsive to changing labor market demands in the region, and discusses how this could be achieved, taking into consideration the latest education and training policies.

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