Spatial regression models



Spatial regression models

Michael D. Ward, Kristian Skrede Gleditsch

(Sage publications series, . Quantitative applications in the social sciences ; no. 07-155)

Sage Publications, c2008

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 38



Bibliography: p. 91-95

Includes index



Assuming no prior knowledge this book is geared toward social science readers, unlike other volumes on this topic. The text illustrates concepts using well known international, comparative, and national examples of spatial regression analysis. Each example is presented alongside relevant data and code, which is also available on a Web site maintained by the authors.


Preface Chapter 1: Introduction Interaction and Social Science Democracy Around the World Introducing Spatial Dependence Maps as Visual Displays of Data Measuring Spatial Association and Correlation Measuring Proximity Estimating Spatial Models Summary Chapter 2: Spatially Lagged Dependent Variables Regression with Spatially Lagged Dependent Variables Estimating the Spatially Lagged y Model Maximum Likelihood Estimates of the Spatially Lagged Y Model of Democracy Equilibrium Effects in the Spatially Lagged y Model Spatial Dependence in Turnout in Italy Using Different Weights Matrices in a Spatially Lagged Dependent Variable Model The Spatially Lagged Dependent Variable Versus OLS with Dummy Variables Summary Chapter 3: Spatial Error Model The Spatial Error Model Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the Spatial Errors Model Example: Democracy and Development Spatially Lagged y Versus Spatial Errors Assessing Spatial Error in Dyadic Trade Flows Summary Chapter 4: Extensions Specifying Connectivities Inference and Model Evaluation Summary Appendix: Software Options References

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