An introduction to the physiology of hearing


An introduction to the physiology of hearing

by James O. Pickles

Emerald, 2008

3rd ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 12



Includes bibliographical references and index



This book deals with the way that the auditory system processes acoustic signals. The current edition has been thoroughly revised to reflect the progress that has been made since the previous edition. Particularly major updates have been made in the following areas: cochlear function, including cochlear mechanics, hair cell function and mechanisms of transduction; the auditory central nervous system, a major area of advance in recent years; physiological correlates of auditory perception, including speech perception; and, cochlear pathophysiology and sensorineural hearing loss, including the restoration of hearing by electrical stimulation of the ear, and molecular and cellular approaches to hair cell repair, replacement, and regeneration.A reading scheme has been provided to guide readers to the section most appropriate for their interests. The book is written so that those entering auditory research from very little background in auditory neuroscience are able to understand the current research issues and research literature. It is also intended to be a source book and reference work for advanced undergraduates studying the special senses, and for clinicians in the speciality of Otorhinolaryngology.It offers a contemporary look at the physiology of hearing: each chapter has been thoroughly revised. It is an excellent reading companion to practitioners and scholars. It is also suitable for those undertaking auditory research. It includes a reading scheme to guide readers through the book.


The Physics and Analysis of Sound The Outer and Middle Ears The Cochlea The Auditory Nerve Mechanisms of Transduction and Excitation in the Cochlea The Brainstem Nuclei The Auditory Cortex The Centrifugal Pathways Physiological Correlates of Auditory Psychophysics and Performance Sensorineural Hearing Loss References Subject Index

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