The crisis of global environmental governance : towards a new political economy of sustainability


The crisis of global environmental governance : towards a new political economy of sustainability

edited by Jacob Park, Ken Conca and Matthias Finger

(Environmental politics / edited by Michael Waller, Stephen Young)

Routledge, 2008

  • : hbk
  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 12



Includes bibliographical references and index



More than twenty years after the Bruntland Commission report, Our Common Future, we have yet to secure the basis for a serious approach to global environmental governance. The failed 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development showed the need for a new approach to globalization and sustainability. Taking a critical perspective, rooted in political economy, regulation theory, and post-sovereign international relations, this book explores questions concerning the governance of environmental sustainability in a globalizing economy. With contributions from leading international scholars, the book offers a comprehensive framework on globalization, governance, and sustainability, and examines institutional mechanisms and arrangements to achieve sustainable environmental governance. It: considers current failures in the framework of global environmental governance addresses the problematic relationship between sustainability and globalization explores controversies of development and environment that have led to new processes of institution building examines the marketization of environmental policy-making; stakeholder politics and environmental policy-making; socio-economic justice; the political origins of sustainable consumption; the role of transnational actors; and processes of multi-level global governance. This book will be of interest to students and researchers of political science, international studies, political economy and environmental studies.


1. The Death of Rio Environmentalism 2. Sustainability and Globalization: A Theoretical Perspective 3. Which Governance for Sustainable Development? An Organizational and Institutional Perspective 4. A Global Political Economy of Textiles: From the Global to the Local and Back Again 5. The Marketization of Global Environmental Governance: Manifestations and Implications 6. Between Market and Justice: The Socio-Ecological Challenge 7. Sustainable Consumption? Legitimation, Regulation, and Environmental Governance 8. Transnational Transformations: From Government-Centric Interstate Regimes to Cross-Sectoral Multi-Level Networks of Global Governance 9. "Stakeholders" and the Politics of Environmental Policymaking 10. Rethinking Authority, Territory, and Knowledge: Transnational Socio-Ecological Controversies and Global Environmental Governance

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