Neutrino factories, superbeams and betabeams : 9th International Workshop on Neutrino Factories, Superbeams, and Beta beams, NuFact 07, Okayama University, Okayama, Japan, 6-11 August 2007


    • International Workshop on Neutrino Factories, Superbeams, and Betabeams (9th : 2007 : Okayama, Japan)
    • Yasuda, Osamu
    • Ohmori, Chihiro
    • Mondal, N. K. (Naba K.)


Neutrino factories, superbeams and betabeams : 9th International Workshop on Neutrino Factories, Superbeams, and Beta beams, NuFact 07, Okayama University, Okayama, Japan, 6-11 August 2007

editors, Osamu Yasuda, Chihiro Ohmori, Naba Mondal

(AIP conference proceedings, 981)

American Institute of Physics, 2008


9th International Workshop on Neutrino Factories, Superbeams, and Betabeams

Ninth International Workshop on Neutrino Factories, Superbeams, and Betabeams

NuFact 07

NuFact 2007

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes bibliographical references and index



The workshop has reviewed progress towards the future generation of neutrino oscillation experiments. These experiments will use very intense conventional neutrino beams and novel beams derived from muons or radioactive nuclei. These new facilities will provide a broad research front including muon physics and neutrino scattering experiments. The main technical challenges involve construction of very intense proton beams, targeting, effective capture of produced particles, cooling and ultra-fast acceleration of the resulting muons.

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