Foucault on politics, security and war


Foucault on politics, security and war

edited by Michael Dillon and Andrew W. Neal

Palgrave Macmillan, 2008

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 9



Includes bibliographical references (p. 206-220) and index


  • Strategies for waging peace : Foucault as collaborateur / Stuart Elden
  • Goodbye war on terror? Foucault and Butler on discourses of law, war and exceptionalism / Andrew W. Neal
  • Life struggles : war, discipline and biopolitics in the thought of Michel Foucault / Julian Reid
  • Security : a field left fallow / Didier Bigo
  • Revisiting Franco's death : life and death and biopolitical governmentality / Paolo Palladino
  • Law versus history : Foucault's genealogy of modern sovereignty / Mariana Valverde
  • The politics of death : race war, biopower and AIDS in the post-apartheid / Didier Fassin
  • Security, race and war / Michael Dillon



Foucault on Politics, Society and War interrogates Foucault's controversial genealogy of modern biopolitics. These essays situate Foucault's arguments, clarify the correlation of sovereign and bio-power and examine the relation of bios, nomos and race in relation to modern war.


  • Introduction
  • M.Dillon& A.W.Neal PART I: SITUATING FOUCAULT Strategies for Waging Peace: Foucault as Collaborateur
  • S.Elden PART II: POLITICS, SOVEREIGNTY, VIOLENCE Goodbye War on Terror? Foucault and Butler on Discourses of Law, War and Exceptionalism
  • A.W.Neal Life Struggles: War, Discipline, and Biopolitics in the Thought of Michel Foucault
  • J.Reid Security: A Field Left Fallow
  • D.Bigo Revisiting Franco's Death: Life and Death and Bio-Political Governmentality
  • P.Palladino PART III: BIOS, NOMOS, RACE Law Versus History: Foucault's Genealogy of Modern Sovereignty
  • M.Valverde The Politics of Death: Race War, Bio-Power and AIDS in the Post-Apartheid
  • D.Fassin Security, Race, and War
  • M.Dillon

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