CMOS : mixed-signal circuit design


CMOS : mixed-signal circuit design

R. Jacob Baker

(IEEE Press series on microelectronic systems / Stuart K. Tewksbury, series editor)

IEEE Press : John Wiley & Sons, c2009

2nd ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 16




Analog signal processing circuit blocks implemented in mixed-signal systems utilize more digital signal processing where the quality of the analog components can be reduced at the cost of digital system complexity. Discussing these design techniques from a circuit designer's point of view, CMOS is an advanced guide to mixed-signal circuit design that will bring designers rapidly up to speed. This new edition features additional examples and more, smaller chapters to make the information more accessible to graduate students as well as professionals who want to improve their skills in this area. Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.


Preface. Chapter 1. Signals, Filters, and Tools. 1.1. Sinusoidal Signals. 1.2. Comb Filters. 1.3. Representing Signals. Chapter 2. Sampling and Aliasing. 2.1. Sampling. 2.2. Circuits. Chapter 3. Analog Filters. 3.1. Integrator Building Blocks. 3.2. Filtering Topologies. Chapter 4. Digital Filters. 4.1. SPICE Models for DACs and ADCs. 4.2. Sinc-Shaped Digital Filters. 4.3. Filtering Topologies. Chapter 5. Data Converter SNR. 5.1. Quantization Noise. 5.2. Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR). 5.3. Improving SNR using Averaging. 5.4. Using Feedback to Improve SNR. Chapter 6. Data Converter Design Basics. 6.1. Passive Noise-Shaping. 6.2. Improving SNR and Linearity. Chapter 7. Noise-Shaping Data Converters. 7.1. First-Order Noise Shaping. 7.2. Second-Order Noise-Shaping. 7.3. Noise-Shaping Topologies. Chapter 8. Bandpass Data Converters. 8.1. Continuous-Time Bandpass Noise-Shaping. 8.2. Switched-Capacitor Bandpass Noise-Shaping. Chapter 9. A High-Speed Data Converter. 9.1. The Topology. 9.2. Practical Implementation. 9.3. Conclusion. Index.

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