Statistical genetics of quantitative traits : linkage, maps, and QTL


Statistical genetics of quantitative traits : linkage, maps, and QTL

Rongling Wu, Chang-Xing Ma, George Casella

(Statistics for biology and health)

Springer, c2007

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3



Includes bibliographical references (p. [343]-354) and indexes



This book introduces the basic concepts and methods that are useful in the statistical analysis and modeling of the DNA-based marker and phenotypic data that arise in agriculture, forestry, experimental biology, and other fields. It concentrates on the linkage analysis of markers, map construction and quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping, and assumes a background in regression analysis and maximum likelihood approaches. The strength of this book lies in the construction of general models and algorithms for linkage analysis, as well as in QTL mapping in any kind of crossed pedigrees initiated with inbred lines of crops.


Basic Genetics.- Basic Statistics.- Linkage Analysis and Map Construction.- A General Model for Linkage Analysis in Controlled Crosses.- Linkage Analysis with Recombinant Inbred Lines.- Linkage Analysis for Distorted and Misclassified Markers.- Special Considerations in Linkage Analysis.- Marker Analysis of Phenotypes.- The Structure of QTL Mapping.- Interval Mapping with Regression Analysis.- Interval Mapping by Maximum Likelihood Approach.- Threshold and Precision Analysis.- Composite QTL Mapping.- QTL Mapping in Outbred Pedigrees.

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