Principles of environmental engineering and science



Principles of environmental engineering and science

Mackenzie L. Davis, Susan J. Masten

McGraw-Hill Higher Education, c2009

2nd ed

  • International ed. : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 4



Includes bibliographical references and index



Principles of Environmental Engineering is intended for a course in introductory environmental engineering for sophomore- or junior-level students. The emphasis of this text is on engineering principles rather than on engineering design. Students should understand such calculus topics as differentiation, integrations, and differential equations. Principles of Environmental Engineering places more emphasis on scientific principles, ethics, and safety, and focuses less on engineering design. The text exposes students to a broader range of environmental topics through separate chapters on ecosystems, geological and soil resources, and agricultural effects. This new edition includes a new chapter on Biology, updated science and technology discussions to reflect the latest trends and new case studies in each chapter.


1 Introduction2 Chemistry3 Biology4 Materials and Energy Balances5 Ecosystems6 Risk Perception, Assessment and Management7 Hydrology8 Sustainable Energy, Mineral and Soil Resources9 Water Quality Management10 Water Treatment11 Wastewater Treatment12 Air Pollution13 Solid Waste Management14 Hazardous Waste Management15 Noise Pollution16 Ionizing RadiationAppendix A: Properties of Air, Water, and Selected Chemicals

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