Grounding knowledge/walking land : archaeological research and ethno-historical identity in Central Nepal


    • Evans, Christopher


Grounding knowledge/walking land : archaeological research and ethno-historical identity in Central Nepal

by Christopher Evans with Judith Pettigrew, Yarjung Kromchaī Tamu & Mark Turin ; with contributions by Dorothy Allard ... [et al.] ; principal illustrations by Crane Begg & Andrew Hall

(McDonald Institute monographs)

McDonald Institute of Archeological Research, c2009

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



Includes bibliographical references



This volume documents almost a decade of groundbreaking investigations within the Annapurna highlands of Nepal, including survey recording of fort and settlement sites. From the outset, the project's focus was the extraordinary ruins of Kohla Sombre - Kohla, The Three Villages - the ancestral settlement of the Tami-mai (Gurung) community, who hosted and instigated the fieldwork programme. Ultimately, only a single season's excavation was conducted before the project was cut short by the political insurgency within the country. It concluded with holding a great shaman's meeting in Pokhara in 2002, at which their historical oral texts were presented. Narrating the long migration of the Tamu-mai into the region and down from a distant north, this volume includes the full translation of one of these oral epics, the Lemako Roh Pye. The project represents a unique collaboration between archaeologists, anthropologists and a shaman. Including interviews with upland inhabitants, the volume encompasses the diverse voices of both its immediate participants and the local community. Fulsome in its presentation of the archaeological data and rich in ethnographic source-material, not only is this book crucial for Himalayan culture studies generally, but also relevant for anyone concerned with the construction and context of the past in the present, and the active forging of ethno-historical identities.

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