Reengaging Egypt : options for US-Egypt economic relations


Reengaging Egypt : options for US-Egypt economic relations

Barbara Kotschwar and Jeffrey J. Schott

(Policy analyses in international economics, 90)

Peterson Institute for International Economics, 2010

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 14



Includes bibliographical references (p. 117-121) and index



The success of the United States' Middle East strategy depends importantly on the future course of US-Egypt economic relations. Deepening bilateral commercial and investment ties can pay both commercial and political dividends as the Obama administration refocuses US strategy in the Middle East. While the United States and Egypt have long been close partners, revitalizing US-Egypt economic relations will spur innovation and productivity gains, open new development opportunities in Egypt through expanded trade and investment, and create important precedents for future regional initiatives. In this study, the authors first assess the two countries' current commercial relationship and then provide concrete suggestions for enhancing and expanding specific areas of the US-Egypt economic relationship, such as market access, services, trade facilitation and development cooperation. Ultimately, the study sets out several promising avenues for strengthening economic ties.

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