Fun with finance : Math + literacy success


    • Peterson, Carol


Fun with finance : Math + literacy = success

written and illustrated by Carol Peterson

(Readers theatre series)

Teacher Ideas Press : Libraries Unlimited/ABC-CLIO, c2009

  • : hard copy : alk. paper

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes bibliographical references and index



This volume in the readers theatre series offers innovative approaches that let teachers introduce basic concepts of finance and wealth-building into the elementary school classroom. What's the best way to add lessons on money management and building wealth to grade school math? By making it real—and making it fun! Fun With Finance: Math + Literacy = Success helps teachers bring the world of finance into the elementary school classroom in a way that engages and captivates students. Fun With Finance focuses on a range of topics, from currency and the global economy, to business entities, savings, credit, real estate investments, the markets, budgeting, and goal planning. Each chapter offers grade-appropriate lessons, with a readers theatre script, glossary, cross-curricular activities, a list of Web sites—even a board game!—to make learning a genuinely successful enterprise. Lessons and activities are fully cross-referenced to curriculum standards to make sure they meet school requirements.

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