Christians, Jews, and Muslims speak out


Christians, Jews, and Muslims speak out

edited by Kevin Barrett, John B. Cobb, Jr., and Sandra B. Lubarsky

(9/11 and American empire, v. 2)

Olive Branch Press, 2007

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes index



Inspired by the internationally acclaimed and bestselling book "The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11", this anthology presents a variety of perspectives on 9/11 and empire from authors who identify with one of the major Abrahamic traditions.Co-edited by a Christian theologian (John Cobb), a Jewish scholar (Sandra Lubarsky), and a Muslim scholar (Kevin Barrett), this volume features essays by 9/11 revisionists and activists alongside those of noted writers and scholars, including several of the leading religious intellectuals of our time.Offering reflections on 9/11 informed by the moral principles of religious traditions, as well as by the obligation to engage in thoughtful dialogue with those of other traditions, it addresses the way 9/11 has been used to expand the US empire's "global domination project" and raises profound moral questions, whatever our views on 9/11 or faith.

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