Immanence : Deleuze and philosophy


Immanence : Deleuze and philosophy

Miguel de Beistegui

(Plateaus : new directions in Deleuze studies)

Edinburgh University Press, c2010

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 7




Immanence - Deleuze and Philosophy identifies the original impetus and the driving force behind Deleuze's philosophy as a whole and the many concepts it creates. It seeks to extract the inner consistency of Deleuze's thought by returning to its source or to what, following Deleuze's own vocabulary, it calls the event of that thought. The source of Deleuzian thought, the book argues, is immanence. In five chapters dealing with the status of thought itself, ontology, logic, ethics, and aesthetics, Miguel de Beistegui reveals the manner in which immanence is realised in each and every one of those classical domains of philosophy. Ultimately, he argues, immanence turns out to be an infinite task, and transcendence the opposition with which philosophy will always need to reckon.


  • List of Abbreviations
  • Preface
  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1: Noology
  • Chapter 2: Ontology I (Genesis)
  • Chapter 3: Logic
  • Chapter 4: Ethics
  • Chapter 5: Ontology II (Cartography)
  • Chapter 6: Aesthetics
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography
  • Index.

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