Dynamics of local governance in China during the reform era


Dynamics of local governance in China during the reform era

edited by Tse-Kang Leng and Yun-han Chu

(Challenges facing Chinese political development / Sujian Guo, series editor)

Lexington Books, c2010

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes index



Since the Chinese economic reform was realized in the early 1990s, a significant revolution has been launched socially, economically, and politically in China. At present, China is an indispensable actor in the international arena, so that the transitions domestically bring about substantial influence on the whole world. Dynamics of Local Governance in China during the Reform takes close look at China's current transformation and its broader implications. Through their thought-provoking essays, the contributors to this volume dissect China's transformation by examining various topics in the field of contemporary China studies, such as rural industrialization, development of civic society, socio-economic transformation and local self-governance.


Chapter 1. The Uncertain Outcomes of Rural Industrialization: A Reassessment Chapter 2. Associational Revolution in China: Mapping the Landscapes Chapter 3. Religious organizations and local self rule in rural China Chapter 4. In Search of Positive Deviants: Social Entrepreneurs, Non-Governmental Organizations, and the Development of Civil Society in China Chapter 5. Socio-economic Transformation, Grassroots Democracy and Political Value Change in China: A comparison with Hong Kong and Taiwan Chapter 6. Elite Mobility in Post-Reform Rural China Chapter 7. Contracting and Dispute Resolution among Chinese Firms: Law and Its Substitutes Chapter 8. Developing into a Developmental State: Explaining the Changing Government-Business Relationships behind the Kunshan Miracle Chapter 9. Cross-boundary State-society Interactions in South China

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