Silverlight 4 in action : Silverlight 4, MVVM, and WCF RIA Services


    • Brown, Pete


Silverlight 4 in action : Silverlight 4, MVVM, and WCF RIA Services

Pete Brown

Manning, c2010

  • : pbk.

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Revised edition of Silverlight 2 in Action by Chad Campbell and John Stockton

Includes index(p.735-766)



Silverlight gives you entirely new ways to create rich internet applications, and now Silverlight 4 adds many powerful enhancements to the mix. Silverlight 4 in Action is a comprehensive guide to application building using C#. It goes into action immediately in a thorough introduction. It then follows up with numerous nifty examples to explore flexible layout, control extensibility, the communication and binding models, rich media, animation, and much more. This book explores practical questions in patterns, testing, and performance optimization throughout. No previous experience with Silverlight is required. WHAT'S INSIDE Comprehensive and deep Author an authority Effective UI design with MVVM Building with WCF RIA Services Out-of-browser, COM and Custom Chrome

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