Interfacial effects in particulate, fibrous and layered composite materials


Interfacial effects in particulate, fibrous and layered composite materials

editor, T. W. Clyne

(Key engineering materials, v. 116-117)

Trans Tech Publications, c1996

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1




There is extensive interest in the development of new and improved composite materials. This is particularly true of composite systems based upon metallic and ceramic constituents. As the characteristics of the interface are of central importance, there is a great incentive for an improved understanding of the nature of interfaces between constituents in such composite systems and of the factors that affect their mechanical characteristics.


Structure and Composition of Metal/Ceramic Interfaces Interphase Formation and Control in Fibre Composite Materials Gradient Interphase Regions in Composite Systems The Effects of Fiber Coating, Matrix Composition and Processing Conditions on Interfacial Microstructures in Vacuum Plasma Sprayed and Vacuum Hot Pressed Ti Alloy/SiCf Composites Fibre-Matrix Interface Characterization and Fibre Fragmentation Test Fibre/Polymer Tests at the Fibre Scale: Tools for Analysing and Optimizing the Composite Response to Mechanical Loads Interface Measurements and Applications in Fiber-Reinforced MMCs Evaluation of Composite Interfaces Using Raman Spectroscopy The Deflection of Cracks at Interfaces Interfacial Properties and Residual Stresses in Titanium and Titanium Aluminide Matrix Composites On the Control of Interface Reaction in Squeeze Cast Aluminium Matrix Composites The Effect of Interfaces on the Strength of Metal-Matrix Composite Joints The Fracture Mode of Ceramic/Metal Multilayers: Role of the Interface Mechanical Response of Multilayers Submitted to In-Situ Experiments Interfacial Behaviour and Mechanical Properties of Plastically Strained Particle Reinforced Al Composites Residual Stresses in Surface Coatings and Their Effects on Interfacial Debonding The Delamination of Ceramic Laminates due to Residual Thermal Stresses Effect of Inhomogeneous Intrinsic Stresses on the Cracking of Layered Brittle Coatings

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