The Church of Alexandria with Nubia and Ethiopia after 451


The Church of Alexandria with Nubia and Ethiopia after 451

Aloys Grillmeier ; in collaboration with Theresia Hainthaler ; translated by O.C. Dean Jr

(Christ in Christian tradition, v. 2 . From the Council of Chalcedon (451) to Gregory the Great (590-604) ; pt. 4)

Mowbray ; Louisville : Westminster John Knox, 1996

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes bibliographical references (p. [393]-403) and indexes



This text offers a presentation of faith in Jesus Christ as it developed between the Council of Chalcedon (AD 451) and the advance of Islam in the Nile region. The period begins in Alexandria, leading to Ethiopia, where we see an extraordinary example of a synthesis of Judaism and Christianity. The book covers a variety of theological work by poets, exegetes, philosophers and others, offering the reader a vivid picture of the state of Christian faith in the Nile and beyond before the Islamic conquest. Particular attention is paid to Jewish influence in pre-Islamic Arabia and to recent discoveries of literary texts and religious art.

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