Proceedings of the 11th Asian Logic Conference : in honor of Professor Chong Chitat on his 60th birthday, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 22-27 June 2009


Proceedings of the 11th Asian Logic Conference : in honor of Professor Chong Chitat on his 60th birthday, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 22-27 June 2009

edited by Toshiyasu Arai ... [et al.]

World Scientific, c2012


11th Asian Logic Conference

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3



Includes bibliographical references and index



The Asian Logic Conference is part of the series of logic conferences inaugurated in Singapore in 1981. It is normally held every three years and rotates among countries in the Asia-Pacific region. The 11th Asian Logic Conference was held at the National University of Singapore, in honor of Professor Chong Chitat on the occasion of his 60th birthday. The conference is on the broad area of logic, including theoretical computer science. It is considered a major event in this field and is regularly sponsored by the Association of Symbolic Logic. This volume contains papers from this meeting.


  • Limitwise Monotonic Functions and Their Applications (R G Downey et al.)
  • Provably 02 and Weakly Descending Chains (T Arai)
  • K-Trivials are NCR (G Barmpalias et al.)
  • A Dichotomy for the Mackey Borel Structure (I Farah)
  • Computable Dowd-Type Generic Oracles (M Kumabe & T Suzuki)
  • Cappable CEA Sets and Ramsey's Theorem (A M Kach et al.)
  • Amalgamation, Absoluteness, and Categoricity (J T Baldwin)
  • Models of Long Sentences I (G Sacks)
  • On Automatic Families (S Jain et al.)
  • A Universally-Free Modal Logic (S C-M Yang).

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