
Leviticus and Numbers

Richard N. Boyce

(Westminster Bible companion)

Westminster John Knox Press, c2008

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



Bibliography: p. 281-282



In this rich and thoughtful commentary Richard Boyce makes Leviticus and Numbers come alive for serious and lively preaching and teaching. In a clear and direct style, Boyce explains the various rituals and regulations in these books, while always showing what today's believers can learn from them. Attentive to the particularities of the text in its time, Boyce is nevertheless unabashed about seeing and hearing these books as a word to the church--a word that connects again and again with the New Testament and speaks in important ways to contemporary life. Books in the Westminster Bible Companion series assist laity in their study of the Bible as a guide to Christian faith and practice. Each volume explains the biblical book in its original historical context and explores its significance for faithful living today. These books are ideal for individual study and for Bible study classes and groups.

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