A window on Africa : Ethiopian portraits


A window on Africa : Ethiopian portraits

Hans Silvester ; [translated from the French by David H. Wilson]

Thames & Hudson, 2011


Fenêtre sur l'Afrique

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3



Translated from the French

Original ed. published: Paris : Éditions de La Martinière, c2010

Kibish, in the lower Omo Valley on the borders of Ethiopia, Kenya and Sudan, is one of the wildest and most remote places in Africa. This book is a beguiling portrait of its people, seen through an original lens - that of a simple window frame



Kibish, in the lower Omo Valley on the borders of Ethiopia, Kenya and Sudan, is one of the wildest and most remote places in Africa. This book is a beguiling portrait of its people, seen through an original lens - that of a simple window frame. From painted, marked and scarified tribesmen with their tools and farmers with their livestock, this collection presents an amazing slice of life, and is a priceless record of a unique and increasingly fragile way of life, one threatened by conflict, tourism and the rapidly encroaching 21st century.

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