Authority in language : investigating standard English


Authority in language : investigating standard English

James Milroy and Lesley Milroy

(Routledge linguistics classics)

Routledge, 2012

4th ed

  • : hbk
  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 18



Includes bibliographical references (p. 174-185) and index

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Previous edition: 1999



Authority in Language explores the perennially topical and controversial notion of correct and incorrect language. James and Lesley Milroy cover the long-running debate over the teaching of Standard English in Britain and compare the language ideologies in Britain and the USA, involving a discussion of the English-Only movement and the Ebonics controversy. They consider the historical process of standardisation and its social consequences, in particular discrimination against low-status and ethnic minority groups on the basis of their language traits. This Routledge Linguistics Classic is here reissued with a new foreword and a new afterword in which the authors broaden their earlier concept of language ideology. Authority in Language is indispensable reading for educationalists, teachers and linguists and a long-standing text for courses in sociolinguistics, modern English grammar, history of English and language ideology.


1. Prescription and Standardisation. 2.Standard English and the Complaint Tradition. 3. Spoken and Written Norms. 4.Grammar and Speech. 5. Linguistic Prescription and the Speech Community. 6. Linguistic Repertoires and Communicative Competence. 7. "Planned" and "Unplanned" Speech Events. 8. Some Practical Implications of Prescriptivism: Educational Issues and Language Assessment Procedures. 9.Two Nations Divided by the Same Language? The Standard Language Ideology in Britain and the United States.

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