The truly disadvantaged : the inner city, the underclass, and public policy


The truly disadvantaged : the inner city, the underclass, and public policy

William Julius Wilson

University of Chicago Press, 2012

2nd ed

  • : paper

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 16



Includes bibliographies and index



In "The Truly Disadvantaged", renowned American sociologist William Julius Wilson takes a look at the social transformation of inner city ghettos, offering a sharp evaluation of the convergence of race and poverty. Rejecting both conservative and liberal interpretations of life in the inner city, Wilson offers essential information and a number of solutions to policymakers. "The Truly Disadvantaged" is a wide-ranging examination, looking at the relationship between race, employment, and education from the 1950s onwards, with surprising and provocative findings. This second edition also includes a new afterword from Wilson himself that brings the book up to date and offers fresh insight into its findings.

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