Structural analysis : a unified classical and matrix approach



Structural analysis : a unified classical and matrix approach

A. Ghali, A.M. Neville and T.G. Brown

(Spon text)

Spon Press, 2009

6th ed

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3



Includes bibliographical references (p. [826]) and index



This comprehensive textbook, now in its sixth edition, combines classical and matrix-based methods of structural analysis and develops them concurrently. New solved examples and problems have been added, giving over 140 worked examples and more than 400 problems with answers. The introductory chapter on structural analysis modelling gives a good grounding to the beginner, showing how structures can be modelled as beams, plane or space frames and trusses, plane grids or assemblages of finite element. Idealization of loads, anticipated deformations, deflected shapes and bending moment diagrams are presented. Readers are also shown how to idealize real three-dimensional structures into simplified models that can be analyzed with little or no calculation, or with more involved calculations using computers. Dynamic analysis, essential for structures subject to seismic ground motion, is further developed in this edition and in a code-neutral manner. The topic of structural reliability analysis is discussed in a new chapter. Translated into six languages, this textbook is of considerable international renown, and is widely recommended by many civil and structural engineering lecturers to their students because of its clear and thorough style and content.


1. Structural analysis modelling 2. Statically determinate structures 3. Introduction to the analysis of statically indeterminate structures 4. Force method of analysis 5. Displacement method of analysis 6. Use of force and displacement methods 7. Strain energy and virtual work 8. Determination of displacements by virtual work 9. Important energy theorems 10. Displacement of elastic structures by special methods 11. Application of force and displacement methods 12. Influence lines for beams, frames grids, arches, and trusses 13. Effects of axial forces on flexural stiffness 14. Analysis of shear-wall structures 15. Method of finite differences 16. Finite-element method 17. Further development of finite-element method 18. Plastic analysis of continuous beams and frames 19. Yield-line and strip methods for slabs 20. Structural dynamics and seismic analysis 21. Computer analysis of framed structures 22. Implementation of computer analysis 23. Nonlinear analysis 24. Structural reliability analysis Appendices

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