
Religion und Politik im Mittelalter : Deutschland und England im Vergleich = Religion and politics in the Middle Ages : Germany and England by comparison

herausgegeben von Ludger Körntgen und Dominik Waßenhoven

(Prinz-Albert-Studien = Prince Albert studies, Bd. 29)

De Gruyter, c2013

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 8



"This volume consists of papers presented at a conference of the Prince Albert Society held at Coburg, Germany, in 2010"--Preface

English and Germany

Includes bibliographical references


  • Religion and politics in the reign of Charlemagne / Janet L. Nelson
  • Bischöfe als Königsmacher? : Selbstverständnis und Anspruch des Episkopats bei Herrscherwechseln im 10. und frühen 11. Jahrhundert / Dominik Wassenhoven
  • Individual and collective sinning in tenth- and eleventh-century England : penance, piety and the law / Catherine Cubitt
  • A view from afar : English perspectives on religion and politics in the investiture conflict / Stuart Airlie
  • Der Investiturstreit und das Verhaltnis von Religion und Politik im Frühmittelalter / Ludger Körntgen
  • Karl der Grosse : ein "politischer Heiliger" im 12. Jahrhundert? / Knut Görich
  • Bishops and Kings in England, c.1066-c.1215 / Björn Weiler
  • The English monarchy and the promotion of religion in the fourteenth century / W. Mark Ormrod
  • Religion und Politik im spätmittelalterlichen deutschen Reich / Amalie Fössel



The increased interest in religion as a phenomenon and its various cultural contexts is encouraging a focus on the relationship between religion and politics. However, the political relevance of the religious and the interdependence between political and religious spheres has always been a major area of medieval research. The articles in this volume consider not only the principle inseparability of both spheres as previously established by research, but also the beginnings of a differentiation and relative autonomy of religion and politics within the framework of a comparison between Germany and the United Kingdom. This allows the identification of restrictions within the research traditions that are due to national histories and points to ways of overcoming these restrictions.

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