Beyond domination : an essay in the political philosophy of education


Beyond domination : an essay in the political philosophy of education

Patricia White

(International library of the philosophy of education, v. 23)

Routledge, 2012, c1983

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Reprint. Originally published: 1983

This edition first published in 2010; First issued in paperback 2012



This volume introduces a new conception of political education and new roles for headteachers and parents in the creation of a more democratic educational system. The book proposes curbing the power of teachers, including headteachers, stripping parents of their rights, and making political education the keystone of education. It considers what kind of educational strategies would be appropriate to help move a society like our own towards greater democracy, in the light of a co-ordinated set of proposals about the democratic organization of political decision-making, and the development of democratic attitudes, notably fraternity. All this is underpinned by a radical analysis of basic democratic principles and assumptions, and a fundamental critique of the power-sharing machinery of such contemporary democratic societies as the UK and USA.


1. Democratic Principles and Basic Assumptions 2. Realising Democratic Principles: Institutions and Attitudes 3. Political Education 4. Headteachers: A Changing Role 5. Parents' Educational Rights and Duties

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