Key themes in social policy


    • Kennedy, Patricia


Key themes in social policy

Patricia Kennedy

Routledge, 2013

  • : hbk
  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 13



Includes bibliographical references (p. 161-176) and index



Key Themes in Social Policy provides an accessible and authoritative introduction to the key concepts used in social policy, from autonomy to wellbeing. With over 100 ideas discussed, this is a comprehensive student guide and is designed to help readers to gain a deeper understanding of major debates and issues. Each entry: explains the origin of the word discusses its relationship to the social sciences describes its relevance to social policy and how widespread its use is outlines some of the key thinkers and research on the topic and gives suggestions for further reading. Making it easy to understand and use the most important ideas in the area, this is an essential companion for all students taking social policy courses.


Introduction 1. Active Welfare 2. Agency 3. Altruism 4. Assistance Payments 5. Asylum Seeker 6. Autonomy 7. Basic Income 8. Benefit 9. Beveridgian Welfare 10. Bismarckian Model 11. Black Economy 12. Body 13. Bureaucracy 14. Capabilities 15. Capitalism 16. Categorical Benefits 17. Child Allowances 18. Citizenship 19. Class 20. Claw Back 21. Collectivism 22. Commodification and De-Commodification 23. Communitarian 24. Community 25. Comparative Social Policy 26. Conditionality 27. Corporatism 28. Crisis of Welfare 29. Critical Junctures 30. Democracy 31. Dependency 32. Deserving/ Undeserving 33. Disability 34. Discretion 35. Discrimination 36. Diswelfares 37. Division of Labour 38. Earnings 39. Eligibility 40. Employment 41. Entitlement 42. Environmentalism 43. Equality 44. Ethnicity 45. Fabianism 46. Families of Nations 47. Family 48. Feminism 49. Fiscal Welfare 50. Functioning 51. Flexicurity 52. Gender 53. Globalisation 54. Global Social Policy 55. Health 56. Household 57. Human Capital 58. Human Trafficking 59. Ideology 60. Individualism 61. Individualisation 62. Keynesianism 63. Labour 64. Liberal 65. Liberty 66. Lone Parents 67. Male Breadwinner 68. Maternity 69. Marxism 70. Masculinities 71. Means Test 72. Migration 73. Mixed Economy of Welfare 74. Models of Welfare 75. Need 76. New Social Movements 77. Occupational Welfare 78. Path Dependency 79. Patriarchy 80. Poverty 81. Power 82. Power Resources 83. Public Policy 84. Quality Of Life 85. Race 86. Rationing 87. Redistribution 88. Resilience 89. Risk 90. Selectivity 91. Sexuality 92. Social Administration 93. Social Assistance 94. Social Divisions 95. Social Exclusion 96. Social Insurance 97. Social Justice 98. Social Policy 99. Social Quality 100. Sustainable Development 101. Stigma 102. Stratification 103. Theory 104. Universalism 105. Wages 106. Welfare / Well Being 107. Welfare Regimes 108. Welfare State 109. Work-Life Balance

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  • ISBN
    • 9780415520966
    • 9780415520973
  • LCCN
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
  • ページ数/冊数
    xi, 181 p.
  • 大きさ
    25 cm
  • 分類
  • 件名