6 practice tests


    • Mann, Malcolm
    • Taylore-Knowles, Steve


6 practice tests

Malcolm Mann & Steve Taylore-Knowles

(Test preparation series, . IELTS for academic purposes)

McGraw-Hill Education, c2009

  • : practice test with audio CD


6 practice tests : practice tests with answer key

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Audio CD: 978007126957D



IELTS for Academic Purposes is a concise, user-friendly course designed to be used intensively in the weeks and months prior to the exam. It is ideal for both classroombased learning and self-study. The core material provides approximately 40 hours of instruction, while a number of different reinforcement and extension options are provided in the other course components. The Student's Book consists of 8 topic-based units, focusing on the development of key exam skills tested in the IELTS modules. It includes a Placement Test with individualized results guidance.IELTS: 6 Practice Tests provides extensive practice in the 4 modules at the level of the actual IELTS (Academic format) exam. Offering practice for all major exam task types, IELTS for Academic Purposes: 6 Practice Tests provides 6 real tests with detailed corrections and explanation of why an answer is right or wrong. A variety of authentic reading texts cover the range of text types found in the actual exam. The answer key includes model answers for all writing tasks. An MP3 audio CD is included.

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