Typological studies : word order and relative clauses


Typological studies : word order and relative clauses

Guglielmo Cinque

(Routledge leading linguists, 16)

Routledge, 2013

  • : hbk
  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 41



Bibliography: p. [311]-366

Includes indexes



In this book, Cinque takes a generative perspective on typological questions relating to word order and to the syntax of relative clauses. In particular, Cinque looks at: the position of the Head vis a vis the relative clause in relation to the position of the verb vis a vis his object; a general cross-linguistic analysis of correlatives; the need to distinguish a sentence-grammar, from a discourse-grammar, type of non-restrictives (with languages differing as to whether they possess both, one, the other, or neither); a selective type of extraction from relative clauses; and a tentative sketch of a more ample work in progress on a unified analysis of externally headed, internally headed, and headless relative clauses.


Introduction 1. Word Order Typology: A Change of Perspective 2. The Antisymmetric Programme: Theoretical and Typological Implications 3. Greenberg's Universal 20 and the Semitic DP 4. Deriving Greenberg's Universal 20 and Its Exceptions 5. Again on Tense, Aspect, Mood morpheme order and the Mirror Principle 6. Mapping Spatial PPs: An Introduction 7. The Fundamental Left-Right Asymmetry of Natural Languages 8. Are all languages 'Numeral Classifier Languages'? 9. Greenberg's Universal 23 and SVO Languages 10. On Keenan and Comrie's Primary Relativization Constraint 11. A Note on Verb/Object Order and Head/Relative Clause Order 12. A Note on Linguistic Theory and Typology 13. More on the Indefinite Character of the Head of Restrictive Relatives 14. Two Types of Nonrestrictive Relatives 15. Five Notes on Correlatives 16. On a selective "violation" of the Complex NP Constraint 17. On Double-Headed Relative Clauses

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