
International economics

Steven Husted, Michael Melvin

(Pearson series in economics)

Pearson, c2013

9th ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



Includes bibliographical references and index



International Economics is an accessible, comprehensive and relevant guide for studying international economics. Using real data and issues that motivate theoretical discussions, this text captures readers' attention and equips them with a practical understanding of major policy questions.


Chapter 1: An Introduction to International Trade Chapter 2: Tools of Analysis for International Trade Models Chapter 3: The Classical Model of International Trade Chapter 4: The Heckscher-Ohlin Model Chapter 5: Tests of Trade Models: the Leontief Paradox and Its Aftermath Chapter 6: Tariffs Chapter 7: Nontariff Barriers and Arguments for Protection Chapter 8: Commercial Policy: History and Practice Chapter 9: Preferential Trade Agreements Chapter 10: International Trade and Economic Growth Chapter 11: The Balance of Payments Chapter 12: The Foreign Exchange Market Chapter 13: International Monetary Systems Chapter 14: Exchange Rates in the Short Run Chapter 15: Exchange Rates in the Long Run Chapter 16: Theories of the Current Account Balance Chapter 17: Open Economy Macroeconomics Chapter 18: International Banking, Debt and Risk

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