
Pediatric neurology

volume editors, Olivier Dulac, Maryse Lassonde, and Harvey B. Sarnat

(Handbook of clinical neurology, 3rd ser. ; 111-113)

Elsevier, 2013

  • pt. 1
  • pt. 2
  • pt. 3

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 25



Includes bibliographical references and index



pt. 1 ISBN 9780444528919


The child is neither an adult miniature nor an immature human being: at each age, it expresses specific abilities that optimize adaptation to its environment and development of new acquisitions. Diseases in children cover all specialties encountered in adulthood, and neurology involves a particularly large area, ranging from the brain to the striated muscle, the generation and functioning of which require half the genes of the whole genome and a majority of mitochondrial ones. Human being nervous system is sensitive to prenatal aggression, is particularly immature at birth and development may be affected by a whole range of age-dependent disorders distinct from those that occur in adults. Even diseases more often encountered in adulthood than childhood may have specific expression in the developing nervous system. The course of chronic neurological diseases beginning before adolescence remains distinct from that of adult pathology - not only from the cognitive but also motor perspective, right into adulthood, and a whole area is developing for adult neurologists to care for these children with persisting neurological diseases when they become adults. Just as pediatric neurology evolved as an identified specialty as the volume and complexity of data became too much for the general pediatician or the adult neurologist to master, the discipline has now continued to evolve into so many subspecialties, such as epilepsy, neuromuscular disease, stroke, malformations, neonatal neurology, metabolic diseases, etc., that the general pediatric neurologist no longer can reasonably possess in-depth expertise in all areas, particularly in dealing with complex cases. Subspecialty expertise thus is provided to some trainees through fellowship programmes following a general pediatric neurology residency and many of these fellowships include training in research. Since the infectious context, the genetic background and medical practice vary throughout the world, this diversity needs to be represented in a pediatric neurology textbook. Taken together, and although brain malformations (H. Sarnat & P. Curatolo, 2007) and oncology (W. Grisold & R. Soffietti) are covered in detail in other volumes of the same series and therefore only briefly addressed here, these considerations justify the number of volumes, and the number of authors who contributed from all over the world. Experts in the different subspecialties also contributed to design the general framework and contents of the book. Special emphasis is given to the developmental aspect, and normal development is reminded whenever needed - brain, muscle and the immune system. The course of chronic diseases into adulthood and ethical issues specific to the developing nervous system are also addressed.


  • Normal psychomotor development
  • Clinical neurological examination of infants and children
  • Pediatric neurology - the diagnostic process
  • Health outcomes measurement: concepts, guidelines and opportunities
  • Coma
  • Clinical and imaging diagnosis for heredodegenerative diseases
  • Developmental aspects of normal EEG
  • Clinical neurophysiology in movement disorders
  • Announcing the diagnosis: counselling the parents
  • Chronic paediatric diseases into adulthood and the challenge of adolescence
  • Ethical considerations in pediatric neurology
  • Neuroembryology and brain malformations: an overview
  • Microcephaly
  • Prenatal-onset neurodevelopmental disorders secondary to toxins, nutritional deficiencies and maternal illness
  • Epidemiology of cerebral palsy
  • Pathophysiology of cerebral palsy
  • Imaging cerebral palsy
  • Cerebral palsy: definition, assessment and rehabilitation
  • Treatment of movement disorders in dystonia-choreoathtosis cerebral palsy
  • Everyday life and social consequences of cerebral palsy
  • Developmental abnormalities and mental retardation: diagnostic strategy
  • Specific language impairment
  • Dyslexia
  • Congenital Amusia
  • Developmental dyscalculia
  • Nonverbal learning disability
  • Memory disorders in children
  • Attention deficit
  • The autistic spectrum
  • Cognitive and medical features of chromosomal neuploidy
  • Genetically determined encephalopathy: Rett syndrome
  • Angelman syndrome
  • Developmental and cognitive troubles in Williams Syndrome
  • Smith Magenis syndrome
  • X-linked mental deficiency
  • Genetics of neural crest and neurocutaneous syndromes
  • Sturge-Weber syndrome
  • Tuberous sclerosis
  • Neurofibromatosis
  • Incontinentia pigmenti and hypomelanosis of Ito
  • Epidermal nevus syndrome
  • Neurocutaneous melanocytosis
  • The epidemiology of seizure disorders in infancy and childhood: definitions and Classifications
  • Neuropathology of paediatric epilepsy
  • The developing cortex
  • Epileptogenesis in the developing brain
  • Brain maturation and epilepsy
  • Modes of onset of epilepsy and differential diagnosis
  • Varying seizure semiology according to age
  • Magnetoencephalography (MEG) and other neurophysiological investigations
  • Neonatal seizures
  • Febrile and other occasional seizures
  • Focal epileptogenic lesions
  • Rasmussen's encephalitis
  • Immune-mediated paediatric epilepsies
  • Inborn errors of metabolism and epilepsy
  • Chromosome disorders associated with epilepsy
  • Focal malformations of cortical development: a most relevant etiology of epilepsy in Children
  • Genetics of idiopathic epilepsies
  • Idiopathic generalized epilepsies
  • Idiopathic focal epilepsies
  • Malignant migrating partial seizures in infancy
  • Infantile spasms
  • The epileptic encephalopathies
  • Dravet syndrome (severe myoclonic epilepsy in infancy)
  • Epileptic encephalopathy with continuous spike-waves during slow-wave sleep including Landau-Kleffner syndrome
  • Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and epilepsy with myoclonic-astatic seizures
  • Diffuse malformations of cortical development
  • Myoclonus and epilepsy
  • Status epilepticus
  • Cognitive disorders in paediatric epilepsy
  • Problematic behaviour in children with epilepsy: issues and management
  • Cognitive side-effects of antiepileptic drugs in children
  • Initiating antiepileptic drug treatment and characteristics of drugs
  • Treatment strategies
  • Developing antiepileptic drugs in children: balancing protection and access
  • Structural imaging in children with chronic focal epilepsy: exploration strategies and diagnostic algorithms
  • SPECT (Single photon emission computed tomography) in paediatrics
  • Functional imaging: PET
  • Advanced structural and functional MRI in childhood epilepsies
  • Paediatric epilepsy surgery
  • Cognitive outcome of surgery
  • Nonpharmacologic approaches: diet and neurostimulation
  • Outcome of paediatric epilepsies in adulthood

pt. 2 ISBN 9780444529107


The child is neither an adult miniature nor an immature human being: at each age, it expresses specific abilities that optimize adaptation to its environment and development of new acquisitions. Diseases in children cover all specialties encountered in adulthood, and neurology involves a particularly large area, ranging from the brain to the striated muscle, the generation and functioning of which require half the genes of the whole genome and a majority of mitochondrial ones. Human being nervous system is sensitive to prenatal aggression, is particularly immature at birth and development may be affected by a whole range of age-dependent disorders distinct from those that occur in adults. Even diseases more often encountered in adulthood than childhood may have specific expression in the developing nervous system. The course of chronic neurological diseases beginning before adolescence remains distinct from that of adult pathology - not only from the cognitive but also motor perspective, right into adulthood, and a whole area is developing for adult neurologists to care for these children with persisting neurological diseases when they become adults. Just as pediatric neurology evolved as an identified specialty as the volume and complexity of data became too much for the general pediatician or the adult neurologist to master, the discipline has now continued to evolve into so many subspecialties, such as epilepsy, neuromuscular disease, stroke, malformations, neonatal neurology, metabolic diseases, etc., that the general pediatric neurologist no longer can reasonably possess in-depth expertise in all areas, particularly in dealing with complex cases. Subspecialty expertise thus is provided to some trainees through fellowship programmes following a general pediatric neurology residency and many of these fellowships include training in research. Since the infectious context, the genetic background and medical practice vary throughout the world, this diversity needs to be represented in a pediatric neurology textbook. Taken together, and although brain malformations (H. Sarnat & P. Curatolo, 2007) and oncology (W. Grisold & R. Soffietti) are covered in detail in other volumes of the same series and therefore only briefly addressed here, these considerations justify the number of volumes, and the number of authors who contributed from all over the world. Experts in the different subspecialties also contributed to design the general framework and contents of the book. Special emphasis is given to the developmental aspect, and normal development is reminded whenever needed - brain, muscle and the immune system. The course of chronic diseases into adulthood and ethical issues specific to the developing nervous system are also addressed.


  • SECTION 7 Non epileptic paroxysmal disorders and respiratory disorders Alternating hemiplegia of childhood
  • Headache in Pediatric Practice
  • Paediatric narcolepsy: clinical and therapeutical approaches
  • Paroxysmal movement disorders and episodic ataxias
  • Tourette syndrome and other tic disorders of childhood
  • Non-epileptic paroxysmal sleep disorders
  • Syncopes and other paroxysmal events
  • Sudden infant death syndrome: An update and new perspectives of etiology
  • Psychogenic non epileptic seizures SECTION 8 Conversion disorders Conversion disorder SECTION 9 Trauma Traumatic brain injury
  • Non accidental head injury
  • Cognitive and psychopathological sequelae of pediatric traumatic brain injury
  • Obstetrical brachial plexus palsy SECTION 10 Tumors Central nervous system tumors
  • Pediatric spinal tumors
  • Neurocognitive effects of CNS tumours SECTION 11 Myelopathy Spinal cord malformations
  • Acute myelopathy - tumoral or traumatic spinal cord compression
  • Inflammatory, vascular and infectious myelopathies in children SECTION 12 Vascular disorders Normal and abnormal cerebrovascular development: gene-environment interactions during early life with later life consequences
  • Vascular malformations of the brain
  • Cerebrovascular disorders in childhood
  • Childhood central nervous system (CNS) vasculitis
  • Outcome and rehabilitation after childhood stroke SECTION 13 Inflammatory and infectious diseases Brain development and the immune system: an introduction to inflammatory and infectious diseases of the child's brain
  • Mendelian predisposition to herpes simplex encephalitis
  • Congenital toxoplasmosis
  • Virus-induced lesions and the foetal brain: examples of the transmission of HIV-1 and CMV from mother to offspring
  • Neonatal bacterial meningitis
  • Infantile and childhood bacterial meningitis
  • Brain abscess
  • Tuberculous meningitis
  • Parasitic disorders
  • Aseptic meningitis
  • Acute polyradiculoneuritis: Guillain-Barre syndrome Germany)
  • Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy
  • Acute viral encephalitis
  • Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis and chronic viral encephalitis
  • Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
  • Parainfectious meningo-encephalo-radiculo-myelitis (cat scratch disease, lyme borreliosis, brucellosis, botulism, legionellosis, pertussis, mycoplasma)
  • Opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome
  • Ataxia
  • Neurological expression of genetic immunodeficiencies and of opportunistic infections
  • Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis in children: the disorder, its diagnosis, and treatment
  • Immune mediated extrapyramidal movement disorders, including Sydenham's chorea
  • Systemic inflammatory and autoimmune disorders
  • Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
  • Pediatric multiple sclerosis
  • Effect of autoimmune diseases on cognitive function
  • The neuropsychology of the Kluver Bucy syndrome in children

pt. 3 ISBN 9780444595652


The child is neither an adult miniature nor an immature human being: at each age, it expresses specific abilities that optimize adaptation to its environment and development of new acquisitions. Diseases in children cover all specialties encountered in adulthood, and neurology involves a particularly large area, ranging from the brain to the striated muscle, the generation and functioning of which require half the genes of the whole genome and a majority of mitochondrial ones. Human being nervous system is sensitive to prenatal aggression, is particularly immature at birth and development may be affected by a whole range of age-dependent disorders distinct from those that occur in adults. Even diseases more often encountered in adulthood than childhood may have specific expression in the developing nervous system. The course of chronic neurological diseases beginning before adolescence remains distinct from that of adult pathology - not only from the cognitive but also motor perspective, right into adulthood, and a whole area is developing for adult neurologists to care for these children with persisting neurological diseases when they become adults. Just as pediatric neurology evolved as an identified specialty as the volume and complexity of data became too much for the general pediatician or the adult neurologist to master, the discipline has now continued to evolve into so many subspecialties, such as epilepsy, neuromuscular disease, stroke, malformations, neonatal neurology, metabolic diseases, etc., that the general pediatric neurologist no longer can reasonably possess in-depth expertise in all areas, particularly in dealing with complex cases. Subspecialty expertise thus is provided to some trainees through fellowship programmes following a general pediatric neurology residency and many of these fellowships include training in research. Since the infectious context, the genetic background and medical practice vary throughout the world, this diversity needs to be represented in a pediatric neurology textbook. Taken together, and although brain malformations (H. Sarnat & P. Curatolo, 2007) and oncology (W. Grisold & R. Soffietti) are covered in detail in other volumes of the same series and therefore only briefly addressed here, these considerations justify the number of volumes, and the number of authors who contributed from all over the world. Experts in the different subspecialties also contributed to design the general framework and contents of the book. Special emphasis is given to the developmental aspect, and normal development is reminded whenever needed - brain, muscle and the immune system. The course of chronic diseases into adulthood and ethical issues specific to the developing nervous system are also addressed.


  • SECTION 14 Neuromuscular Disorders Diagnostic work-up for neuromuscular diseases
  • Main steps of the skeletal muscle development in human: Morphological analysis and ultrastructural characteristics of developing human muscle
  • Arthrogryposis and fetal hypomobility syndrome
  • Congenital myopathies
  • Myofibrillar myopathies
  • Progressive muscular dystrophies
  • Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy, laminopathies and other nuclear envelopathies
  • Congenital muscular dystrophies
  • Congenital and infantile myotonic dystrophy
  • Spinal muscular atrophies
  • Hereditary motor-sensory, motor and sensory neuropathies in childhood
  • Muscle channelopathies and related diseases
  • Metabolic neuropathies and myopathies
  • Juvenile dermatomyositis
  • Autoimmune myasthenia gravis
  • Congenital myasthenic syndromes
  • Neuromuscular complications of intensive care
  • Respiratory care in neuromuscular disorders
  • Medical and psychosocial considerations in rehabilitation care of childhood neuromuscular diseases
  • Innovating therapies for muscle diseases SECTION 15 Cranial nerves and brainstem dysfunction Eye movement control and its disorders
  • The optic nerve and visual pathways
  • Hearing loss and deafness in the paediatric population: causes, diagnosis and rehabilitation
  • Congenital feeding and swallowing disorders SECTION 16 Inborn errors of metabolism and storage diseases Diagnostic work-up in acute conditions of inborn errors of metabolism and storage diseases
  • Metabolic diagnostic work-up in chronic conditions
  • Inborn errors of brain myelin formation
  • Peroxisomal disorders
  • Lysosomal leukodystrophies: Krabbe disease and metachromatic leukodystrophy
  • Leukodystrophies with astrocytic dysfunction
  • Aicardi-Goutieres syndrome
  • Disorders of nucleotide excision-repair
  • Respiratory chain deficiencies
  • Disorders of pyruvate metabolism
  • Disorders of fatty acid oxidation
  • Glucide metabolism disorders (excluding glycogen myopathies)
  • Lysosomal diseases: biochemical pathways and investigations
  • Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses
  • Gangliosidoses
  • Gaucher disease
  • Niemann-Pick diseases
  • Mucopolysaccharidoses and mucolipidoses
  • Progressive myoclonus epilepsy
  • Congenital disorders of glycosylation
  • Inborn errors of copper metabolism
  • Defects in amino acid catabolism and the urea cycle
  • Amino acid synthesis deficiencies
  • Epileptic encephalopathy with suppression-bursts and non-ketotic hyperglycinemia
  • Vitamin-responsive disorders: cobalamin, folate, biotin, vitamins B1 and E
  • Pyridoxine and pyridoxalphosphate dependent epilepsies
  • Monoamine neurotransmitter deficiencies
  • Metabolic disorders of purine metabolism affecting the nervous system
  • Creatine deficiency syndromes
  • Cholesterol metabolism deficiency
  • Enzyme replacement therapy and substrate reduction therapy in lysosomal storage disorders with neurological expression
  • Gene therapy for disorders of the central nervous systems SECTION 17 Heredodegenerative disorders Progressive cerebellar atrophy: hereditary ataxias and disorders with spinocerebellar degeneration
  • Joubert syndrome and related disorders
  • Progressive dystonia
  • Hereditary spastic paraplegias: one disease for many genes, and still counting
  • Huntington's disease in children
  • Axonal dystrophies SECTION 18 Postnatal toxic and induced disorders Postnatal toxic and acquired disorders
  • Cerebrovascular complications in children with sickle cell disease

「Nielsen BookData」 より

関連文献: 1件中  1-1を表示

  • Handbook of clinical neurology

    Elsevier Science Publishers , North-Holland Pub. Co. 1969-

    : set , v. 44 , v. 58 , v. 76 , v. 77 , v. 78 , v. 82



  • ISBN
    • 9780444528919
    • 9780444529107
    • 9780444595652
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
  • ページ数/冊数
    3 v.
  • 大きさ
    27 cm
  • 分類
  • 件名
  • 親書誌ID