War and the state : the transformation of British government, 1914-1919


War and the state : the transformation of British government, 1914-1919

edited by Kathleen Burk

(Routledge library editions, . The First World War ; v. 3)

Routledge, 2014, c1982

  • : set

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 4



Reprint. Originally published: London : George Allen & Unwin, 1982

Includes bibliographical references and index



: set ISBN 9780415749244


Re-issuing 15 volumes originally published between 1967 and 1989, the books in this collection cover everything from pre-war diplomacy and international relations, British and German military and naval strategy and capability to food supply and the effect of the First World War on British politics and government.


1. British Food Policy in the First World War 2. Britain, America and the sinews of war, 1914-1918. 3. War and the state : the transformation of British government 1914-1919 4. German policy toward neutral Spain, 1914-1918 5. British agriculture in the First World War 6. British strategy and war aims, 1914-16 7. Luxury' fleet : the Imperial German Navy 1888-1918 8. War aims and strategic policy in the Great War, 1914-1918 9. The war plans of the great powers, 1880-1914 10. The scaremongers : the advocacy of war and rearmament 1896-1914 11. American newsfilm 1914-1919 : the underexposed war 12. Strategy and Supply 13. Britain and the First World War 14. Socialism and the challenge of war. Ideas and politics in Britain, 1912-18. 15. Great Britain and the war of 1914-1918.

ISBN 9781138018396


This volume gives students and researchers an insight into British central government in 1914, how and why it altered during the war years and what permanent changes remained when the war was over. The war saw the scope of governmental intervention widened in an unprecedented manner. The contributors to this book analyse the reasons for this expansion and describe how the changes affected the government machine and the lives of the citizens. They consider why some innovations did not survive the coming of peace while others permanently transformed the duties and procedures of government.


Introduction. 1. The Rise and Fall of 'Business as Usual' 2. The Ministry of Munitions: An Innovatory Department 3. Cabinets, Committees and Secretariats: the Higher Direction of War 4. The Treasury: From Impotence to Power 5. The Ministry of Labour, 1916-19: A Still, Small Voice? 6. Bureaucrats and Businessmen in British Food Control 1916-19 7. Winding Down the War Economy: British Plans for Peacetime Recovery, 1916-19

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