Censoring history : citizenship and memory in Japan, Germany, and the United States


Censoring history : citizenship and memory in Japan, Germany, and the United States

Laura Hein and Mark Selden, editors

(Asia and the Pacific)(An East gate book)

Routledge, 2015, c2000

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



"First published 2000 by M.E. Sharpe"--T.p. verso



Considering the great influence textbooks have as interpreters of history, politics and culture to future generations of citizens, it is no surprise that they generate considerable controversy. Focusing largely on textbook treatment of lingering - and sometimes explosive - tensions originating in World War II, "Censoring History" addresses issues of textbook nationalism in historical and comparative perspective. Discussions include Japan's Comfort Women and the Nanjing Massacre; Nazi genocide against the Jews, Gypsies, Catholics and others; Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the Indochina wars. The essays address controversies over textbook content around the globe: How and why do specific representations of war evolve? What are the international and national forces affecting how textbook writers, publishers and state censors depict the past? How do these forces differ from country to country? Other comparative essays analyze nationalist and war controversies in German, US and Chinese textbook debates.


Part I: Introduction l. The Lessons of War, Global Power, and Social Change Part II: Textbooks and Historical Memory 2. The Japanese Movement to Correct History 3. Consuming Asia, Consuming Japan: The New Neo-nationalistic Revisionism in Japan 4. Japanese Education, Nationalism, and Ienaga Saburo's Textbook Lawsuits 5. Identity and Trans-nationalization in German School Textbooks 6. The Vietnam War in High School American History 7. War Crimes and the Vietnamese People: American Representations and Silences Part III: Politics of the Classroom 8. The Continuing Legacy of Japanese Colonialism: The Japan-South Korea Joint Study Group on History Textbooks 9. The Power of Selective Tradition: Buchenwald Concentration Camp and Holocaust Education for Youth in the New Germany 10. Teaching Democracy, Teaching War: American and Japanese Educators Teach the Pacific War

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