Space and collections earning their keep : transformation, technologies, retooling


Space and collections earning their keep : transformation, technologies, retooling

edited by Joseph Hafner and Diane Koen

(IFLA publications, v. 175)

De Gruyter Saur, c2016

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 5



Includes bibliographical references



Traditionally, libraries have served as storage spaces offering access to diverse physical collections. Today, following numerous social and technological changes, libraries are retooling their services, rethinking storage and reimagining their spaces. The transformation in information technology has had an enormous impact on users' research behaviour, which in turn demands new discovery environments. A conference of the IFLA Library Buildings and Equipment and the Acquisition and Collection Development Sections spotlighted libraries from around the world who are providing quality, adaptable and innovative library spaces and services meeting the changing needs of their users, their collections, their staff and their communities.

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