Process algebras for petri nets : the alphabetization of distributed systems


Process algebras for petri nets : the alphabetization of distributed systems

Roberto Gorrieri

(Monographs in theoretical computer science : an EATCS series)

Springer, c2017

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 4



Includes bibliographical references (p. 291-297) and index



This book deals with the problem of finding suitable languages that can represent specific classes of Petri nets, the most studied and widely accepted model for distributed systems. Hence, the contribution of this book amounts to the alphabetization of some classes of distributed systems. The book also suggests the need for a generalization of Turing computability theory. It is important for graduate students and researchers engaged with the concurrent semantics of distributed communicating systems. The author assumes some prior knowledge of formal languages and theoretical computer science.


Introduction.- Transition Systems.- Petri Nets.- The Basic Calculus: SFM.- Adding Asynchronous Parallel Composition: CFM and BPP.- Adding Communication and Restriction: FNC.- Adding Multi-party Communication: FNM.- Adding Atomic Tests for Absence: NPL.- Generalizations and Conclusions.

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