
Masters of 20th century a cappella

Chandos, c1991



20th century a cappella

Masters of twentieth century a cappella


Lidholm, Ingvar -- Riveder le stelle

Henze, Hans Werner, 1926- -- Orpheus behind the wire

Schoenberg, Arnold, 1874-1951 -- Friede auf Erden

Nørgård, Per, 1932- -- Wie ein Kind

Poulenc, Francis, 1899-1963 -- Figure humaine

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



The 5th work is a cantata

Sung in Italian (1st work), English (2nd work), German (3rd-4th works), and French (5th work)

Composers: Ingvar Lidholm, Hans Werner Henze, Arnold Schoenberg, Per Norgård, Francis Poulenc

Susse Lillesøe, soprano solo; Karl-Gustav Andersson, tenor solo; Danish National Radio Chamber Choir; Stefan Parkman, conductor

Recorded: in the Concert Hall of Radiohuset, Copenhagen, on 15 & 30 Mar. 1990 and 24-26 Oct. 1990, and in the Hall of the Odd Fellow Palæet, Copenhagen on 5-6 May 1989 and 5-6 Sept. 1989

Eds. recorded: Chester Music (1st, 4th works); Schott (2nd-3rd works); Salabert (5th work)

Program and biographical notes in English with German and French translations and texts with English, German, and French translations (39 p. : ports) inserted in container

Chandos: CHAN 8963

