Historical dictionary of medical ethics


Historical dictionary of medical ethics

Laurence B. McCullough

(Historical dictionaries of religions, philosophies, and movements)

Rowman & Littlefield, c2018

  • : hardcover

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 5



Includes bibliographical references



Medical ethics is the disciplined study of medical morality, with two goals: critically appraising current medical morality and identifying how it should be improved. Medical morality has three components. Physicians, patients, communities, and policy makers have beliefs about what is good and bad character, and right and wrong behavior, in patient care, biomedical research, medical education, and health policy. On the basis of these beliefs, physicians, patients, communities, and policy makers make judgments about how physicians ought to conduct themselves in patient care, research, education, and the formation and implementation of health policy. They then act on their judgments. This second edition of Historical Dictionary of Medical Ethics contains a chronology, an introduction, and an extensive bibliography. The dictionary section has over 1,000 cross-referenced entries on ethical reasoning and its key components; medical ethics, professional medical ethics, and bioethics; and topics in clinical ethics, research ethics, and healthcare policy ethics. This book is an excellent resource for students, researchers, and anyone wanting to know more about medical ethics.


Editor's Foreword Jon Woronoff Preface Reader's Note Acronyms and Abbreviations Chronology Introduction THE DICTIONARY Bibliography About the Author

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