A dictionary of food and nutrition


A dictionary of food and nutrition

David A. Bender

(Oxford reference collection)

Oxford University Press, 2018

3rd ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 6




This leading dictionary contains over 6,150 entries covering all aspects of food and nutrition, diet and health. Jargon-free definitions make this a valuable dictionary that clearly explains even the most technical of nutritional terms. From absinthe to zymogens it covers types of food (including everyday foods and little-known foods, e.g. payusnaya), nutritional information, vitamins, minerals, and key scientific areas including metabolism and genomics. It also includes clear guidance on which foods are good sources of major nutrients, with recommended Daily Allowance lists for babies, children, men, and women. It is an essential A-Z for students of nutrition, dietetics, food science, and health and human sciences; professionals within the food industry, including nutritionists, cooks, and food manufacturers; and anyone interested in food who wants to discover more about what they eat.

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