Confucianism, discipline, and competitiveness


Confucianism, discipline, and competitiveness

Chris Baumann, Hume Winzar, and Doris Viengkham

(Routledge studies in international business and the world economy)

Routledge, 2020

  • : hbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3



Includes bibliographical references and index



Please view this video: The importance of competitiveness has increased rapidly in recent years, where a fresh look at the different forms in which competitiveness manifests is needed. Though the exceptional growth of East Asian economies has been hypothesised previously from a socio-cultural perspective, links have often been vague with little empirical evidence to support them. This book proposes that a unique paradigm of competitiveness has developed in the East as a result of the cultural traditions and social values influenced by Confucianism, and extends this hypothesis by exploring a critical missing link: the role of discipline. Based on data from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and World Economic Forum (WEF), this book sheds light on important insights, through empirical evidence, that culture and discipline play an important role toward a country's academic performance, and ultimately, competitiveness. In comparing six geographical clusters, this book analyses data by applying the "Inter-ocular Test" - visualisation of data distributions - to supplement traditional statistical mean comparisons. The findings advance the discourse on culture and performance, by drawing attention to the significant impact that improving discipline can have for a nation's productivity-not only those of Confucian East Asia. Written with the evolving global economy in mind, this book highlights the relevance of discipline for shaping individual productivity for the future workforce, and offers new perspectives on how this can be achieved for all societies through three key contributions: Taxonomy of Discipline dimensions, "Parent-Engagement-School-Discipline Taxonomy" (PESD), and Wheel of Competitiveness. Building on the authors' prior works, this book offers a comprehensive look at three interrelated concepts: Confucianism, Discipline, and Competitiveness, and how they relate to performance in East Asia. Written in an accessible style, this book will be a valuable guide for students, educators, practitioners, and policy-makers who seek to further understand the valuable role of discipline in shaping the success of societies, present and future.


List of Tables and Figures Endorsements Prologue CHAPTER 1 - SETTING THE SCENE FOR CDC Introducing CDC Structure of This Book Introducing Confucianism A Foundation for CDC A Brief History Contemporary Relevance Culture as a Competitive Resource Introducing Discipline The Missing Link Introducing Competitiveness Competitiveness: The Phenomenon CDC Explains Education and the Economy What Does This Mean for the Future of Work? The Gig Economy Data Sources and Methodology CHAPTER 2 - CONFUCIANISM-DISCIPLINE-COMPETITIVENESS (CDC) MODEL Our CDC Model at the Micro-Level Unit of Analysis Association between School Discipline and Academic Performance CDC under the SEM Probe Explaining the Difference: A Confucian Perspective Education as a Transformative Experience Effort over Ability Socialisation under Filial Piety Role Clarity CHAPTER 3 - DISCIPLINE AND ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE UNDER THE MICROSCOPE Academic Performance School Discipline Which Discipline? A Confucian Approach to Discipline PISA Dimensions under the Microscope Student Truancy Student Learning Time Student Self-Efficacy Student Motivation Student Well-being Student Outlook on Education Teacher Performance CHAPTER 4 - CDC OVER TIME: A SIMULATION APPROACH Diachronic Analysis of Discipline and Academic Performance Diachronic Analysis of Elite Performers Global Competitiveness over Time Academic Performance of Global Competitiveness over Time Predictive Model of Educational Achievement and Global Competitiveness Wheel of Competitiveness Simulation: Discipline, Academic Performance and National Competitiveness Take Home Messages from Diachronic CDC Analysis and Simulations CHAPTER 5 - CONCLUSIONS AND OUTLOOK ON CDC Theoretical Implications Practical Implications Research Implications Outlook on CDC Epilogue Author Biographies References Appendices

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