Handbook of student engagement interventions : working with disengaged students


    • Fredricks, Jennifer A.
    • Reschly, Amy L.
    • Christenson, Sandra L.


Handbook of student engagement interventions : working with disengaged students

edited by Jennifer A. Fredricks, Amy L. Reschly, and Sandra L. Christenson

Academic Press, c2019

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



Includes bibliographical references and index



Handbook of Student Engagement Interventions: Working with Disengaged Students provides an understanding of the factors that contribute to student disengagement, methods for identifying students at risk, and intervention strategies to increase student engagement. With a focus on translating research into best practice, the book pulls together the current research on engagement in schools and empowers readers to craft and implement interventions. Users will find reviews on evidence-based academic, behavioral, social, mental health, and community-based interventions that will help increase all types of engagement. The book looks at ways of reducing suspensions through alternative disciplinary practices, the role resiliency can play in student engagement, strategies for community and school collaborations in addressing barriers to engagement, and what can be learned from students who struggled in school, but succeeded later in life. It is a hands-on resource for educators, school psychologists, researchers, and students looking to gain insight into the research on this topic and the strategies that can be deployed to promote student engagement.


1. Introduction 2. Promoting student engagement from childhood to adolescence as a way to improve positive youth development and school completion 3. Profiles of Disengagement 4. Early Warning Indicators and Intervention Systems: State of the Field 5. The Intersection of Student Engagement and Families: A Critical Connection for Achievement and Life Outcomes 6. Peers and Engagement 7. A Teacher-Focused Intervention to Enhance Students' Classroom Engagement 8. Instructional Interventions that Support Student Engagement: An International Perspective 9. Reducing suspensions and increasing equity through supportive and engaging schools 10. Assessing and Promoting the Choice of Academic Engaged Time During Reading Instruction 11. Rehumanizing the Mathematics Classroom to Foster Student Engagement 12. Changing Beliefs to Be Engaged in School: Using Integrated Mindset Interventions to Promote Student Engagement during School Transitions 13. Chronic Absence: A Sign to Invest in Conditions for Learning 14. Mental Health Interventions 15. Bullying and Bystander Behaviors 16. Spilling Over: How Participating in After-School Organized Activities Predicts Students' Engagement 17. Effective School Reforms for Increasing Engagement 18. Implementing Check & Connect: Lessons from two international effectiveness experiments 19. Creating Caring Classroom and School Communities: Lessons Learned from Social and Emotional Learning and Mindfulness-Based Educational Programs 20. The Influence of Diverse Youth Development Models on Student Engagement and Academic Outcomes 21. Measuring Student Engagement to Inform Effective Interventions in Schools 22. Systems-Level Intervention with Disengaged Students: Leveraging Technology Across Schools and Support Personnel in a Large School District 23. Building an Engaging Community: Practices and Interventions that Support Students in Schools 24. The Met High School: Engaging Youth One Student at a Time 25. Conclusion

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