The nation of the risorgimento : kinship, sanctity, and honour in the origins of unified Italy


The nation of the risorgimento : kinship, sanctity, and honour in the origins of unified Italy

Alberto Mario Banti ; translated by Stuart Oglethorpe

(Routledge studies in the modern history of Italy)

Routledge, 2020

  • : hbk


La nazione del risorgimento : parentela, santità e onore alle origini dell'Italia unita

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



Translation of: La nazione del risorgimento

Includes bibliographical references and index



This book is a translation of La Nazione del Risorgimento, one of the most important and influential works on modern Italian history published in recent years. It analyses the aspects of the ideas of nationhood and patriotism that impassioned and energized the Italian Risorgimento movement during the first half of the nineteenth century. Employing an innovative interdisciplinary approach that examines the cultural production and consumption of the period, the author has challenged the orthodoxies of post-1945 Italian historiography. He explores the developing themes that gave strength to the idea of the Italian 'nation', and in the process persuasively explains why so many young men and women were willing to lay down their lives for the 'patria' and its independence.


  • Preface to the English edition
  • Preface to the first edition (2000)
  • 1. The 'Risorgimento canon'
  • 2. Morphology of the national discourse
  • 3. Archaeology of the national discourse
  • 4. Reception of the national discourse
  • Conclusions
  • Bibliography

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