The American school : from the Puritans to the Trump era


The American school : from the Puritans to the Trump era

Joel Spring

(Sociocultural, political, and historical studies in education)

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018

10th ed

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



"Notes" at end of each chapter

Includes index



This current, comprehensive history of American education is designed to stimulate critical analysis and critical thinking by offering alternative interpretations of each historical period. In his signature straight-forward, concise style, Joel Spring provides a variety of interpretations of American schooling, from conservative to leftist, in order to spark the reader's own critical thinking about history and schools. This tenth edition follows the history of American education from the seventeenth century to the integration into global capitalism of the twenty-first century to the tumultuous current political landscape. In particular, the updates focus on tracing the direct religious links between the colonial Puritans and the current-day Trump administration. Chapters 1 and 2 have been rewritten to take a closer look at religious traditions in American schools, leading up to the educational ideas of the current U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos. An updated Chapter 15 further links traditional religious fundamentalist ideas and the twentieth century free market arguments of the Chicago school of economists to President Trump's administration and the influence of the Alt-Right.


Contents List of Time Lines About the Author Preface 1 Thinking Critically about History Interpreting School History: From the Right to the Left Purposes of Educational History and Its Effect on Public Images and Emotions Regarding Schools Themes in American Educational History Globalization Framework Religious Debates in U.S. Schools from the Colonial Era to the Present Schools and the Culture Wars Schools as Managers of Public Thought Racial and Ethnic Conflict as a Theme in School History The Role in Educational History of Equality of Opportunity and Human Capital Globalization: Consumer and Environmental Education 2 Globalization and Religion in Colonial Education Education and Culture in Colonial Society The Role of Education in Colonial Society Historical Interpretations of Colonial Education Authority and Social Status in Colonial Education Colonialism and Educational Policy Language and Cultural Conflict Native Americans: Education as Cultural Imperialism Enslaved Africans: Atlantic Creoles Enslaved Africans: The Plantation System The Idea of Secular Education: Freedom of Thought and the Establishment of Academies Benjamin Franklin and Education as Social Mobility The Family and the Child Conclusion 3 Nationalism, Multiculturalism, and Moral Reform in the New Republic World Culture Theorists The Problem of Cultural Diversity Religion and Liberty Noah Webster: Nationalism and the Creation of a Dominant Culture Thomas Jefferson: A Natural Aristocracy Moral Reform and Faculty Psychology Concepts of Childhood: Protected, Working, Poor, Rural, and Enslaved Charity Schools, the Lancasterian System, and Prisons Institutional Change and the American College Public versus Private Schools Conclusion: Continuing Issues in American Education 4 The Ideology and Politics of the Common School Three Distinctive Features of the Common School Movement The Ideology of the Common School Movement Workingmen and the Struggle for a Republican Education How Much Government Involvement in Schools? The Whigs and the Democrats The Birth of the High School The Continuing Debate about the Common School Ideal Conclusion 5 The Common School and the Threat of Cultural Pluralism The Increasing Multicultural Population of the United States Irish Catholics: A Threat to Anglo-American Schools and Culture Slavery and Freedom in the North: African Americans and Schools in the New Republic Native Americans Conclusion 6 Organizing the American School: Teachers and Bureaucracy The American Teacher Revolution in Teaching Methods: Object Learning The Evolution of Bureaucracy: A Global Model The Age-Graded Classroom McGuffey's Readers and the Spirit of Capitalism Conclusion 7 Multiculturalism and the Failure of the Common School Ideal Mexican Americans: Race and Citizenship Asian Americans: Exclusion and Segregation Native American Citizenship Educational Racism and Deculturalization Citizenship for African Americans Issues Regarding Puerto Rican Citizenship Puerto Rican American Educational Issues Conclusion: Setting the Stage for the Great Civil Rights Movement 8 Global Migration and the Growth of the Welfare Function of Schools Immigration from Southern and Eastern Europe The Kindergarten Movement Home Economics: Education of the New Consumer Woman School Cafeterias, the American Cuisine, and Processed Foods The Play Movement Summer School Social Centers The New Culture Wars Resisting Segregation: African Americans The Second Crusade for Black Education Resisting Segregation: Mexican Americans Native American Boarding Schools Resisting Discrimination: Asian Americans Educational Resistance in Puerto Rico Conclusion: Public Schooling as America's Welfare Institution 9 Human Capital: High School, Junior High School, and Vocational Guidance and Education The High School Vocational Education Junior High School Adapting the Classroom to the Workplace: Lesson Plans Adapting the Classroom to the Workplace: Progressivism Adapting the Classroom to the Workplace: Stimulus-Response Classroom Management as Preparation for Factory Life Historical Interpretations: Public Benefit or Corporate Greed? Conclusion: The Meaning of Equality of Opportunity 10 Scientific School Management: Testing, Immigrants, and Experts Scientifically Managed Schools: Meritocracy and Reducing Public Control Professionalizing Educational Administration Measurement, Democracy, and the Superiority of Anglo-Americans Closing the Door to Immigrants: The 1924 Immigration Act "Backward" Children and Special Classrooms Eugenics and the Age of Sterilization The University and Meritocracy Conclusion 11 The Politics of Knowledge: Teachers' Unions, the American Legion, and the American Way Teachers versus Administrators: The American Federation of Teachers The Rise of the National Education Association The Political Changes of the Depression Years The Politics of Ideological Management: The American Legion Textbook Censorship and the Teaching of Evolution Selling the "American Way" in Schools and on Billboards Propaganda and Free Speech in the Schools Rugg and Advertising Conclusion 12 Schools, Media, and Popular Culture: Influencing the Minds of Children and Teenagers Censorship of Movies as a Form of Public Education Educators and the Movies The Production Code: Movies as Educators Should Commercial Radio or Educators Determine National Culture? Creating the Superhero for Children's Radio Controlling the Influence of Comic Books Educating Children as Consumers The Creation of Teenage Markets Children and Youth from the 1950s to the Twenty-First Century Conclusion 13 American Schools and Global Politics: The Cold War and Poverty Youth Unemployment: Universal Military Service and the GI Bill The Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and the Educational Testing Service The Cold War and Purging the Schools of Communists American Schools: Weakest Link to Global Victory? Global Imperatives: The National Defense Education Act Schools and the War on Poverty Sesame Street and Educational Television Conclusion 14 The Fruits of Globalization: Civil Rights, Global Migration, and Multicultural Education Ending School Segregation of National Minorities The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Native Americans and Indigenous Educational Rights Asian Americans: Educating the "Model Minority" Hispanic/Latino Americans Bilingual Education: The Culture Wars Continued The Immigration Act of 1965 and the New American Population Multicultural Education and the Culture Wars Schools and the International Women's Movement Children with Special Needs The Coloring of Textbook Town Liberating the Textbook Town Housewife for More Consumption Conclusion: The Cold War and Civil Rights 15 Globalization, Religion, Free Markets, and Human Capital: From Nixon to Trump Free Markets and Human Capital: School Choice and the Role of Schools in Economic Growth and Ending Poverty School Prayer and Bible Reading Christian Coalition, School Prayer and School Choice Christian Coalition: Religious Politics No Child Left Behind, Testing and School Prayer No Child Left Behind And Religious Conservatives The End of The Common School: Choice, Privatization, and Charter Schools Trump Administration: Free Markets, Choice, and Privatization Educating for the Consumer Economy Global Crisis and the Demise of Environmental Education Conclusion: From Horace Mann To Donald Trump

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