The first amendment and the fourth estate : the law of mass media


The first amendment and the fourth estate : the law of mass media

T. Barton Carter...[et al.]

Foundation Press, c2021

13th ed.

  • :hbk.

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



Other authors: Marc A. Franklin, Amy Kristin Sanders, Jay B. Wright

Includes bibliographical references and index



This casebook provides a thorough examination of the law of mass media in the United States, providing principal court opinions, explanatory text, and questions for discussion. Where appropriate, comparative law from other jurisdictions is included. Topics include the American legal system, introduction to freedom of expression and free expression theory, defamation, privacy and surveillance, liability for emotional and physical harm, copyright and trademark, national security, obscenity and indecency, advertising regulation, free press/fair trial considerations, confidentiality, access to government information and meetings, media ownership, access to the media and broadcast & cable regulation.

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