
B-zone : becoming Europe and beyond

[edited by Anselm Franke]

KW Kunst-Werke , ACTAR, c2005

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Exhibition catalog

Accompanies an exhibition held at the KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin, Dec. 17, 2005-Feb. 26, 2006; and at Fundació Tàpies, Barcelona, Apr.-Jun. 2007



B-Zone is a territorial research and collaborative art project on the transformation of the social and political geographies stretching from Southeast Europe (the Balkans) to Turkey and the Caucasus. Each of the three core projects follows the trajectory and history of a large-scale transnational infrastructure laid down in the territories of former communist states: The Black Sea Files by Ursula Biemann explores the new pipeline connecting Baku, the world's oldest oil capital on the Caspian shore, with the Mediterranean. Timescapes by Angela Melitopoulos follows the EU-financed "Corridor X" along the Yugoslav "Highway of Brotherhood and Unity," the historic migration route connecting Germany with Turkey. Postwar Footprints by Lisa Parks investigates telecommunication and satellite infrastructure before and after the Balkan wars.

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