Sharpe, W. F. (William F.)
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edited by Howard R. Vane and Chris Mulhearn
Edward Elgar c2009 Pioneering papers of the Nobel Memorial Laureates in economics v. 2 , An Elgar reference collection
Available at 24 libraries
William Breit, Barry T.Hirsch編 ; ウィリアム・アーサー・ルイス [ほか述] ; 村中健一郎訳
金融財政事情研究会 , きんざい (発売) 2008.12
Available at 71 libraries
William F. Sharpe
Princeton University Press 2008, c2007 Princeton lectures in finance
: paperback
Available at 6 libraries
ウィリアム・F.シャープ著 ; 不動産証券化協会不動産ファイナンス研究会翻訳
日経BP社 , 日経BP出版センター (発売) 2008.6
Available at 90 libraries
Princeton University Press c2007 Princeton lectures in finance
: hbk
Available at 38 libraries
Gordon J. Alexander, William F. Sharpe, Jeffery V. Bailey
Prentice Hall c2001 3rd ed Prentice Hall finance series
Available at 11 libraries
Prentice-Hall International c2001 3rd ed., international ed Prentice Hall finance series
Available at 9 libraries
McGraw-Hill c2000
Available at 13 libraries
William F. Sharpe, Gordon J. Alexander, Jeffery V. Bailey
Prentice-Hall International c1999 6th ed., international ed
: pbk
Available at 17 libraries
Prentice Hall c1999 6th ed
Available at 22 libraries
(美) 威廉・F・夏普, 戈登・J・亚历山大, 杰弗里・V・贝利著 ; 赵锡军 [ほか] 译
中国人民大学出版社 1998.9 工商管理经典译丛 = Business administration classics
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Prentice Hall c1995 5th ed Instructor's manual / Jeffrey V. Bailey
Prentice Hall c1995 5th ed
International ed
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Prentice-Hall International c1993 2nd ed., Prentice-Hall international ed
Available at 7 libraries
Prentice Hall c1993 2nd ed
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Frank J. Fabozzi, editor ; foreword by William F. Sharpe
Probus Publishing Co. c1992 An Institutional investor publication
Available at 4 libraries
ゴードン J.アレクサンダー,ウィリアム F.シャープ著 ; 日興リサーチセンター訳
日本経済新聞社 1991.1
Available at 63 libraries
Research Foundation of the Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts c1991
Available at 2 libraries
William F. Sharpe, Gordon J. Alexander
Prentice Hall c1990 4th ed
Available at 43 libraries
Gordon J. Alexander, William F. Sharpe
Prentice-Hall International c1989