Knuth, D. (Donald)
Knuth, Donald E.
Knuth, D. E.
クヌース, ドナルド E.(クヌース, ドナルド E.)
クヌース, ドナルド エルヴィン(クヌース, ドナルド エルヴィン)
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Donald E. Knuth著 ; 岩崎英哉 [ほか] 訳
ドワンゴ , KADOKAWA (発売) 2023.12 日本語版 The art of computer programming 4B
Pt. 2
Available at 19 libraries
Donald E. Knuth
Addison-Wesley c2023 The art of computer programming v. 4B
pt. 2
Available at 7 libraries
Robin Wilson, John J. Watkins編 ; 平坂貢訳
共立出版 2021.6
Available at 110 libraries
Addison-Wesley 2022, c2020 3rd printing The art of computer programming v. 4, fasc. 5
: pbk
Available at 1 libraries
Addison-Wesley c2020 The art of computer programming v. 4, fasc. 5
Available at 5 libraries
ロナルド L. グレアム, ドナルド E. クヌース, オーレン パタシュニク [著] ; 有澤誠 [ほか] 訳
共立出版 2020.9 第2版
Available at 188 libraries
Donald E. Knuth ; illustrations by Duane Bibby
Addison-Wesley 2017, c1986
: softcover
Donald E. Knuth著 ; 筧一彦, 小出洋訳
ドワンゴ , KADOKAWA (発売) 2017.3 日本語版 The art of computer programming 4A
Pt. 1
Available at 71 libraries
Addison-Wesley c2015 The art of computer programming v. 4, fasc. 6
Donald E. Knuth著 ; 石井裕一郎 [ほか] 訳
ドワンゴ , KADOKAWA (発売) 2015.10 日本語版 The art of computer programming 3
Available at 80 libraries
Donald E. Knuth著 ; 斎藤博昭 [ほか] 訳
ドワンゴ , KADOKAWA (発売) 2015.7 日本語版 The art of computer programming 2
Available at 94 libraries
Donald E. Knuth著 ; 青木孝 [ほか] 訳
ドワンゴ , KADOKAWA (発売) 2015.6 日本語版 The art of computer programming 1
Available at 109 libraries
CSLI Publications c2011 CSLI lecture notes 202
pbk. , cloth
Available at 9 libraries
Donald E. Knuth ; articles choisis et traduits par Patrick Cégielski
Société Mathématique de France , CSLI Publications c2011 CSLI lecture notes no. 194
Available at 4 libraries
CSLI Publications , Société mathématique de France c2011
Donald E. Knuth著 ; 和田英一訳
アスキー・メディアワークス , 角川グループパブリッシング (発売) 2011.5 日本語版 Ascii Addison Wesley programming series . The Art of computer programming / Donald E. Knuth著 ; Volume 4, Fascicle 1
Available at 86 libraries
Addison-Wesley c2011 The art of computer programming v. 4A
pt. 1
Available at 57 libraries
CSLI Publications c2011 CSLI lecture notes no. 192
: cloth , : pbk
Available at 8 libraries
Center for the Study of Language and Information c2010 CSLI lecture notes no. 191
Available at 13 libraries