Shiva Sharan
Sharan Shiva
ダニエルー, アラン(ダニエルー, アラン)
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Alain Daniélou
Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited 2017
Available at 2 libraries
アラン・ダニエルー著 ; 淺野卓夫, 小野智司訳
講談社 2008.5 芸術人類学叢書 2
Available at 64 libraries
ロベルト・ロッセリーニ監督 ; ロベルト・ロッセリーニ, ソナリ・センロイ・ダス・グプタ, フェレイドウン・ホヴェイダ脚本
アイ・ヴィー・シー (発売) 2000
: 上映権承認付 Videorecording (Videodisc)
Available at 9 libraries
by Alain Danielou
Munshiram Manoharlal Publisher Pvt. Ltd. 1999
Available at 1 libraries
アラン・ダニエルー著 ; 窪田般彌, 小林正巳訳
青土社 1996.9
Available at 45 libraries
Inner Traditions c1995
Available at 4 libraries
Éditions du Rocher c1994 L'Inde et ses mystères
by Vātsyāyana ; including the Jayamangalā commentary from the Sanskrit by Yashodhara and extracts from the Hindi commentary by Devadatta Shāstrā ; translated by Alain Danielou, prepared with the help of Kenneth Hurry
Park Street Press c1994
Available at 7 libraries
by Prince Ilangô Adigal ; translated by Alain Daniélou
Penguin Books India 1993 Penguin classics
Inner Traditions International , Distributed to the book trade in the U.S. by American International Distribution Corp. (AIDC) c1993
Vâtsyâyana ; commentaire Jayamangalâ en sanskrit de Yashodhara ; extraits d'un commentaire en hindi de Devadatta Shâstrî ; traduits par Alain Daniélou
Éditions du Rocher c1992
Available at 6 libraries
Inner Traditions International c1991
Available at 3 libraries
V.K. Pub. House 1987
adaptation de Charles Le Brun ; introduction d'Alain Daniélou ; images de Christine Lesueur
Ipomée c1987 Jardins secrets
Alain Danielou ; préf. de Fritz Winckel
Hermann 1987, c1978 nouv. éd. accompagnée d'une introduction de Françoise Escal et augm. d'un projet de modèle instrumental
édition critique, traduction française et introduction par Alain Daniélou et N.R. Bhatt
Institut français d'indologie 1987- Publications de l'Institut français d'indologie no 11, etc.
v. 1
Available at 8 libraries
Alain Daniélou ; translated by Marie-Claire Cournand
New Directions 1987
音楽之友社 1985.12 人間と音楽の歴史 / ヴェルナー・バッハマン編集 1 . 民族音楽||ミンゾク オンガク ; 第4巻
Available at 247 libraries
by Alain Daniélou
Inner Traditions International 1985
: pbk
Alain Daniélou ; translation by K.F. Hurry
Inner Traditions International 1984 1st U.S. ed