National Gallery, British Art
Tate Gallery, London
National Gallery, Millbank
Tate Britain (Gallery)
Tate Modern (Gallery)
Teĭt Modern
Тейт Модерн
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[compiled by] Ronald Alley
Tate Gallery in association with Sotheby Parke Bernet 1981
Available at 5 libraries
Mallord Press [1981]-c1993
Available at 3 libraries
by Leslie Parris
Tate Gallery, published by order of the Trustees 1980 1st ed. in this format Tate Gallery colour book series
Available at 1 libraries
Tate Gallery 1980
Available at 6 libraries
by J.M.W. Turner in the Tate Gallery, reproduced in colour, and with an introduction by Martin Butlin
: pbk
Tate Gallery Publications 1980
: cloth , : paper
Available at 9 libraries
Tate Gallery
Tate Gallery Publications 1979
: pbk , : hbk
Available at 8 libraries
Martin Butlin
Tate Gallery 1978
: cased , : paper
Available at 11 libraries
Alan G. Wilkinson
Tate Gallery in collaboration with the Art Gallery of Ontario 1977
Available at 7 libraries
Martin Butlin and Evelyn Joll
Published for the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art and the Tate Gallery by Yale University Press 1977 Studies in British art
: set , Text , Plates
Available at 17 libraries
Leslie Parris, Ian Fleming-Williams, Conal Shields
Tate Gallery 1976 2nd ed., rev
: cloth , : pbk
Tate Gallery Publications 1975, c1974 2nd impression with corrections
Available at 4 libraries
Tate Gallery Publications c1975 3rd impression with corrections
[translation by Sarah Twohig]
Tate Gallery Publications 1975
: hbk , : pbk
Available at 13 libraries
Tate Gallery Publications 1974
[catalogue and introduction by] Werner Schmalenbach ; [translation from the German by Sarah Twohig]
Patricia Allderidge
Tate Gallery Publications , Distributed in France and Italy, Idea Books 1974
Andrew Causey
Tate Gallery Publications c1973
Leslie Parris
Tate Gallery 1973
Tate Gallery 1973 Rev. ed The Tate Gallery little book series
Available at 2 libraries